If you are feeling a bit hungry right now, imagine yourself in your favourite restaurant and being served your favourite three course meal. Imagine yourself taking the first bite from your long awaited and well deserved starter, main meal and desert. It's well presented and tasty, the desert's to die for and your choice of wine, a senstation of a life time.
Before you know it, you are full and you feel sleepy after a heavy yet delicious meal. Even better, the one seating opposite you is the love of your life and things are about to get even better later on tonight. I'll let your imagination figure the rest out.
After that journey to the world of imagination, do you feel like actually going down to a restaurant of your choice with a love one and just enjoying the rest of your day together$%: If you do, you'll probably find yourself planning the whole process. This is the power of IMAGINATION. It gives birth to creativity, ideas, plans and solutions to problems. All you have to do is imagine, relish the idea, live in it and plan backwards (from actualisation to conception).
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In most cases, to solve most problems, all we need to do is to asks the questions and then IMAGINE - What will it take to get there, how will I get there and when will I get there. Now imagine working towards your goals, imagine achieving the small and big wins, see yourself achieving, creativity is setting in, ideas are growing, plans are being drawn out and before you know it, you are where you want to be. That is you starting with the end in mind.
Positive imagination today for a positive reality tomorrow
1. Imagine Being All You Want To Be
2. See Yourself Enjoying A New You
3. Think About How You Got There
4. Then Follow The Footsteps Backward
You are today what you decided upon yesterday. Your decisions yesterday were based on your thoughts days before. The results of your thoughts, which became your reality were only the harvest you had from the seeds of your five senses. The seeds could have been internally or externally induced. Either way, it involved the power of imagination, which could have been a positive or negative experience. See your tomorrow as you want it to be, imagine yourself existing, living and breathing in that time. Start achieving it with that end in mind. - By Keji Giwa